Going to see Bruce Nauman

Roadmovie, New York – Galisteo, New Mexico. Ich hatte zum Ende meines Studiums vor Bruce Nauman zu treffen und ihn fragen, was ich nun als Künstlerin machen sollte. Mein amerikanischer Freund und Kollege Ethan Jackson begleitete mich auf der Reise.

Tagebuch – Eintrag vom 22.6.2000:
„Von Bruce Nauman geträumt. Er war sehr verschlossen und schüchtern, aber bereit mit mir zu sprechen.
Wir sind zusammen Auto gefahren. Er hat gesagt: „I always wanted to be a singer“.



Going to see Bruce Nauman, 2000, Video-Projektion, 11 Minuten, dt./engl. Textfassungen



Going to see Bruce Nauman, 2000, Video Still



Going to see Bruce Nauman, 2000, Video Still



Going to see Bruce Nauman, 2000, Video Still



Going to see Bruce Nauman, 2000, Video Still



Going to see Bruce Nauman, 2000, Video Still



Going to see Bruce Nauman, 2000, Video Still



Going to see Bruce Nauman, 2000, Video Still


Auszug sus dem Voice Over:

„… In the beginning everything looked exactly like I had imagined. It was very lonely, there was real desert and just a dirt road. There were tiny villages and I just took some pictures out of the car window, but I got more and more nervous and restless.

(…) And then Ethan suddenly started to say, nay, why, your camera is broken, you can’t do your project anymore and why I still wanted to go there – we wouldn’t have enough time.

So he really tried to block all of this and it took me a long time to convince him to go there. I, really, I was pretty unnerved apart from getting nervous myself even before we left, when it became more and more concrete.

Because I couldn’t explain anymore what I really wanted there and what I actually wanted to do there, then when I would see Bruce Nauman, I mean what should I say to him? (…)“