Group show, curated by Anke Becker and Bettina Munk
Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien
Mariannenplatz 2 | 10997 Berlin
opening November 16, 2024 until January 12 2025,
opening hours: Sundays through Wednesdays, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Thursdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 1o p.m.
Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien remains closed on 12/24, 12/25, 12/31/2024
and 01/01/2025
20 years Kunstverein Tiergarten
groupshow, curated by Julia Heunemann, Ulrike Riebel and Veronika Witte
Turmstraße 75 | 10551 Berlin
September 13 through October 26 2024,
opening hours: Tuesdays – Saturdays: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Alles VI
Studio im HOCHHAUS, Kommunale Galerie Berlin-Lichtenberg
group show curated by Uwe Jonas
Zingster Straße 25 | 13051 Berlin
July 10 throufh September 9, 2024,
opening hours: Mondays through Fridays 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sundays 2 – 6 p.m.
1st winner and recommened for realization
“wir sind hier – wir werden hier gewesen sein”
(“we are here – we will have been here”)
Competition Art in Architecture, 49th Elementary School, Rennbahnstraße 46,
Realization planned in 2024
(When everything falls apart)
Scenic reading with puppets and performative installation on the SA terror of the Köpenicker Blood Week 1933. For young people and adults.
Tue 20. Juni 10:00 a.m. (for schools)
Thu 22. Juni 10:00 a.m. (for schools)
Fri 23. Juni 10:00 a.m. (for schools)
Fr 23. Juni 20:00 p.m.
Sa 24. Juni 20:00 p.m.
60 min. No break
Tickets via Schlossplatztheater
A project by Stefka Ammon (installation) & Susi Claus (play)
Puppet construction: Judith Mähler
Director: Astrid Endruweit
ABC Hirschgarten
Hirschgartenstr. 14
12555 Berlin-Köpenick
(5 min from the Hirschgarten S-Bahn station (S3)
Art in Architecture Competition
Winner (August 2022) – The Abbesses of Herford
Installation for the new archeologial window in Herford, Germany
Fazer Visível
Oasis Gallery, Rio de Jainero, Brazil
Group show
WINTER | Transformation, Intervention
Video window, Kommunale Galerie Berlin
Opening with artists
Sunday, December 05, 2012, 3 – 5 pm.
Windows of Kommunale Galerie Berlinbr />Hohenzollerndamm 176, 10713 Berlin
and online:
Exhibition December 01, 2021 through January 31, 2022, daily 4 – 10 pm.
On display Neutrale Zone, 2007, video, Stefka Ammon
Art walk Wuhlheide 2021
The artworks shown in the guided tour on the grounds of the former Pioneer park, date back to 1951 and thus also touch on the history of the creation of today’s Landschaftspark whose conversion since 1950 reflects a far-reaching socio-political dimension.
Guided tour with Martin Schönfeld (BBK, office for art in public space)
and Stefka Ammon
September 02, 2021 and October 17, 2021, at 3 p.m.,
meeting at main entrance, An der Wuhlheide 189, 12459 Berlin
Proposal for Memorial Roedeliusplatz
Art Competition.
The local administration of Berlin Lichtenberg district decided to
implement a round table committee in order to research the history
that took place on Roedeliusplatz between 1945 and 1989.
Several institutions of the past were located and operated on here.
The aim was to set up a memorial site for the victims of the
jurisdiction of the Soviet Military Administration (SMAD) and of
Stasi (GDR-Secret Service) and to create a site of political
education on the past.
You find more about the process of the round table committee
Roedeliusplatz here. (in german)
RBBKulturradio Clever Girls Brandenburg, season 2 (2021), Sequel 5,
First broadcast on Jan. 24 on RBB Kultur, hosted by Julia Riedhammer,
with Dr. Silke Kamp (historian, Berlin) and Stefka Ammon
check here (only in german)
Creating the concept of “Audiopfade” (audio paths) for art in public space
in the Berlin district of Treptow-Köpenick.
The culture editor Michaela Gericke of RBBKulturradio and I came up
with the idea for a specific audio-tour which can be called up on site using
QR-Codes as well as a virtual tour from home.
Michaela Gericke and Martin Schönfeld of the Office for Art in Public Space
of BBK Berlin
introduce nine works each in Friedrichshagen and Schöneweide.
A media cooperation with the public radio station RBB.
Designing Flyers commissioned by the district’s Office of Culture and
Museums Treptow-Köpenick: Stefka Ammon.
STEINPLATZ reloaded, documentation and research
presented at Info on Books, Café Babette, Kindl Brauerei
January 30, 2020, 8 p.m.
Stefka Ammon and Katharina Lottner
immersing in 133 years of history of Steinplatz Berlin
Book and E-Book documenting the 2018 temporary art installation on Steinplatz, Berlin.
eeclectic Berlin publishers
136 pages, 100 images, 170 x 200 mm, Swiss brochure
German (with English project descriptions)
photos by Astrid Busch
January 2020
ISBN 978-3-947295-40-1, book: 18 Euro
ISBN 978-3-947295-57-9, E-book (pdf) 8,99 Euro
Proudly part of bildwechsel “end-of-year-calender” 2019
bildwechsel – founded in 1979 – owns it’s project history with coworking
artists and activists, traditions and relations within video and media
movements since the early 1970ies, as well as in international feminist
project movements, women’s culture if the city of Hamburg, the artists’
scene always including supportive communities…
Participation in symposion & workshop “Urbane Cultures« / Art in public space”
November 22 – 24, 2019, Berlinische Galerie
Upon invitation by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
An initiative of nGbK (Jochen Becker, Constanze Musterer, Lilian Engelmann)
in cooperation with Berlinischen Galerie, Landesmuseum für moderne
Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur and supported by Berlin Arts Councilt (BAK).
Commissioned by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
“Art and art practice in public space”, talk #5 of “Talkin’ ’bout my generation”,
Michaela Mélian and Robert Patz, moderated by Stefka Ammon, oqbo, Berlin
Wednesday November 19, 8 p.m., oqbo, Brunnenstr. 63, 13355 Berlin
“Zeige deine Klasse”
Sunday, November 3, 3 p.m.
GEDOK Brandenburg, Seebadallee 45, 15834 Rangsdorf
Show you class – the story of my social background
How our origins shapes us
Daniela Dröscher reads from her non-fiction novel „Zeige deine Klasse!“
Presentation and talk: Stefka Ammon
einszueins (11) / “Familienkoralle”
Opening Saturday September 7, 2019, 5 – 7 p.m.
Temporary installation until December 24, 2019
Kønigliche Backstube, Zwiestädter Str. 10, 12055 Berlin-Neukölln
Opening hours: Mo – Fri: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. , Sat 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Save the Date: Saturday, Saturday 28, 2019, 5 p.m. :
Artist talk with Prof. Dirk Manzke and Stefka Ammon.
Opening Saturday June 1st, 2019, 5 p.m.
Greeting: Katharina Dummann, Manager Mansion and Park Kaarz
Introduction: Susanne Burmester, galerist, Putbus
Stefka Ammon / Berlin, Andrea Böning / Berlin / Broder Burow / Kaarz
Udo Dettmann / Schwerin / Nancy Jahns / Halle, Annette Leyener / Kaarz
Ruzica Zajec / Kaarz
The exhibition is running through October 6, 2019.
The park can be visited anytime, no admission fee.
Schloss mit Park Kaarz / Obere Dorfstraße 6
19412 Weitendorf / OT Kaarz / Germany / +4938483 3080
Kindly supported by the county of Parchim, the community of Weitendorf
and the G.C. Pon Foundation.
Karawane ins Abendland
curated by Dorit Bearach
April 06 through May 11, 2019
group show with artists from twin city Eskişehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey
Kommunale Galerie Alte Schule, Adlershof
Berlin Treptow-Köpenick, Dörpfeldstr. 54
A catalogue will be published.
Uferhallen Kunstaktien
March 2 – April 28 2019
nbk Berlin
ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS ARCHIVE visiting Kunsthaus Kannen
February 10 – May 19, 2019
KUNSTHAUS KANNEN Museum for Outsider Art and contemporary Art
Alexianerweg 9
48163 Münster
Katharina Lottner’s and Stefka Ammon’s art proposal for the
Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation Berlin of 2016 is part of the
exhibition at Maerkische Museum “Berlin 18/19 The long life
of the November Revolution”.
Up until May 2019.
Participating in: Liebe Grüße… postcards from neighbors, friends and colleagues of summer 2018 for Groß Fredenwalde, initiated by: Wolfgang Krause and Peter Müller
Opening Saturday, November 3rd 5 p.m., reception by Inge Mahn
Stallmuseum +++ Groß Fredenwalde 14a in 17268 Gerswalde
Selected for anonymous drawings
exhibition: July 14-September 19, 2018, opening reception July 13, 6pm
Galerie im Körnerpark, Schierker Strasse 8, 12051 Berlin
Invitation of Cultural Office of Berlin Charlottenburg, art competition
for selected artists for temporary art project on Steinplatz in
Berlin-Charlottenburg, May 2018
Invitation of Cultural Office of Berlin Mitte for tender for
a memorial for Otto and Elise Hampel, townhall aeraway,
Berlin Wedding, April 2018, see proposal here.
Founding mmtt, Stefka Ammon and Katharina Lottner, Site-Specific-Art,
website coming soon: