Germans are good

Based on Lewis Caroll’s “Game of Logic” this work consists of three blackboards. Declinations of various relations with German history are written on them. Being a foreigner in the US made me think about German past’s effect on the present.

Germans are good, 1999, MDF-Platten, Tafelfarbe, Kreide, je 60 x 120 x 0.3 mm, Installationsansicht: Double Bind, Studio Galeria, Warszawa, 2013

Germans are good, 1999, MDF-board, chalkboard paint, chalk, 60 x 120 x 0.3 cm each, Installation view: Double Bind, Studio Galeria, Warsaw, 2013



Germans are good, 1999, (Detail), MDF-Platten, Tafelfarbe, Kreide, je 60 x 120 x 0.3 mm, Installationsansicht: Double Bind, Studio Galeria, Warszawa, 2013



Germans are good, 1999, (Detail), MDF-Platten, Tafelfarbe, Kreide, je 60 x 120 x 0.3 mm, Installationsansicht: Double Bind, Studio Galeria, Warszawa, 2013



Germans are good, 1999, (Detail), MDF-Platten, Tafelfarbe, Kreide, je 60 x 120 x 0.3 mm, Installationsansicht: Double Bind, Studio Galeria, Warszawa, 2013



Germans are good, 1999, (Detail), MDF-Platten, Tafelfarbe, Kreide, je 60 x 120 x 0.3 mm, Installationsansicht: Double Bind, Studio Galeria, Warszawa, 2013


Some Germans are good and aware.
Some Germans are bad and not aware.
This work is based on Lewis Caroll’s “Game of Logic”. Three blackboards, with chalk written declinations of various relations with German history. Performative presentation at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia in 1999.